A Little about our team

A Little about our team

We feel it’s an honor to the memory of a life lost to have the chance to give that animal a second life through preservation. We only use ethically, humanely & sustainably sourced specimens for our products. All remains are handled with compassion, love & respect through the processing stages.

Our lead artist & preservationist, Tessa Hennigan, makes animals one of the primary focuses in her life- both personally & professionally. Her oxidation articulations are featured on ”The Bone Man”, the world’s leading source of bone building literature.When not lovingly crafting pet memorials, Tessa fosters both dogs & cats awaiting their new homes for rescues. She’s especially fond of medical cases- the dogs and cats most overlooked and less likely to have a foster step up. Tessa believes her work with the deceased helps her to care for the living even better and to have a greater understanding of the inner workings of the body. When asked how she can work with deceased animals, her response is “These animals are often someone’s beloved pet and if it’s not, then it likely didn’t know much love while alive. In both cases, I’m able to give them a second life, so to speak, and either allow their families to keep them for generations to come or helping to find them a new family that will treasure them like they should have been when living. It’s an honor that I’m entrusted with something so valuable- the memory of a pet & all the love attached to them. “